Dr. Faryal Luhar, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and gradualed
from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. She
pursued this field of study after recieving her Bchelor's degree in
Psychology. She is a member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic
Doctors. Dr. Faryal is also registered to practice Naturopathic Medicine in
South Africa and is a member of the Allied Health Proffessions Council of
South Africa, as well as the South African Naturopathic Association.

She has published severeal articles in leading wellness magazines and is a
lifelong learner. Dr.Faryal aims to empower and educate her patients to
take charge of their health by living a happy, balanced life full of vitality
and possibilities. She has a licensed to practice in Dubai as well as in
South Africa. Dr.Faryal has joined DNA Health Corp as a part-time
doctor and she is our brand consultant.